How Do I Qualify For Services?

We will work with ANY Veteran experiencing MST (Military Sexual Trauma) and/or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). We service veterans in the following counties of Georgia: Richmond, Columbia, Jefferson, Aiken, Burke, Glascocke, Warren and McDuffie experiencing Homelessness, needing any of the below services:

  • Employment Assistance

    (Resume, Job Training and Job Referrals)

  • Benefits Assistance

    (VA Insurance AND VA Disability)

  • Legal Assistance

    - Income Support (Benefit Assistance)

    - Discharge, Dismissal Upgrades and Housing Disputes (Mortgage, Landlord/Tenant Issues)

    - Family and Criminal Law

  • Food and Clothing Pantry

  • Mental Health Assistance

    (Individual Therapy & Group Sessions)

  • Daycare Assistance

  • Housing Assistance

    (Homeless Displacement)

  • Spiritual & Physical Assistance

    (Peer Group Activities)

Definition of Homeless or At Risk for Homelessness:

  • Homeless per the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (HEARTH)

  • Any Veteran without a lease or mortgage in their name.

  • Veteran or Veteran families experiencing homelessness who secured housing within 180 days of requesting services with The Callie Foundation.

  • Veterans who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless within the next 30 days. This is to include veterans or their families who have received a notice to vacate within the next 30 days.

  • Any Veteran or Veteran families who participate in a Partner Program (IE: HUD VASH or TRIBAL VASH)

  • Anyone who participates in the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996.

  • Any Veteran transitioning from Incarceration

  • Any Veteran who receives Supportive Services for Veterans (SSVF) or Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

  • Veterans who lives with Friends or Family members

  • Veterans or Veteran Families whose annual income falls below 30 percent of the median families income for the geographical area.

  • Any Veteran or Veteran family who does not have a sufficient resources or support networks immediately available to prevent moving into a shelter or any of the places defined above.

  • Veterans who have had to move because of economic reasons 2 or more times during the 90 days preceding application for services with The Callie Foundation.

  • Veterans who live in a single room occupancy or efficiency in which 2 or more persons share the same space.

  • Any Veteran or their families that live in a larger housing unit in which there resides more than one and half persons per room.

  • Any Veteran who is exiting a publicly funded institution or system of care.

  • Veterans who live in housing that has characteristics associated with instability and an increased risk of homelessness.

Definition of a Veteran:

Veteran means a person who served in the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, or Reserve Component (National Guard and Reserves) who meet the following criteria:

  • Received a discharge or release under conditions other than dishonorable.

    Title 38 USC 101 (18) (21)

  • Served at least one day of active duty to include time spent in Basic Training for Active duty members of Federal active duty for National Guard or Reserve members

    (Does not include inactive or active duty for training (ex basic training or advanced AIT State active duty, weekend drills, etc)

    Title 38 USC 101 (22) (23)

  • Any period of Inactive duty or active duty for Training which National Guard and Reserve members received a service connected disability resulting from a disease or injury incurred or aggravated in line of duty.

    Title 38 USC 101 (24) Veterans Program letter VPL 02-23 Attachment 1